Behind the Brand... This is Art

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Gus Irwin, a Gold Coast creative is the face behind This is Art. The concept for This Is Art was dreamt up during a dusty sunset conversation between friends in the Nevada Desert at Burning Man in 2018. Based on a love of experience [ something that is enticing to the eye, ear, heart or soul ] the idea of combining those elements; art, film, lighting and music into a sensory showcase was formed….and with that, This Is Art was born.

Instagram & website?

Instagram | Website

Star Sign?


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A day in your life?

Most days start the same with gym at 6 then coffee. After that everyday changes pretty drastically from meetings with artists and venues, setting up for events at hota, building things or at the moment i've been helping friends fit out there new restaurant. I’m not a fan of monotony so having my days vary so much really works for me. 

The reason you started This is Art?

I’ve always had a passion for creating experiences. Nothing quite gives the same satisfaction as looking around at hundreds of people and seeing them enjoy themselves.

So starting an event focused business was always a goal, on a personal level the reason was very inspired by wanting to be more creative myself.

You're a product of your environment right? So if I can make my environment rich with creatives then inevitably I’m going to become more creative.

Words to live by?

Life is to be lived not watched from the sideline

The most unexpected challenge involved in This is Art/events?

This one is probably predictable but covid. It has really made events so hard to plan. Each show really is a gamble in the current climate.

You really have no idea even a week out if scheduled events are going to be able to go ahead. 

And what about the most rewarding part?

It's definitely seeing people enjoy themselves. I love sitting back and watching people dance, laugh, make new friends and just be in the moment. 


What were you doing before you started This is Art?

I was working on a run of festivals in Australia and then New Zealand. But before that I was working as an electrician in the mines. 

Advice for someone wanting to get into the event industry?

Be persistent and be willing to get involved, be grateful for opportunities and people willing to have you be involved. I worked on events for years without pay for the absolute love of it. Don't regret a second of it.

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Final words….

Thanks for the opportunity to answer some fun questions for you! See you all at the next TIA
