Behind the Brand... Victoire Mouléne


Victoire Mouléne is a Newcastle based birth photographer. We go behind the brand with Victoire, where she talks about her passion to create lasting memories for expectant mothers, birthing mothers and parents.

Instagram & Website?

Instagram | Website

Star Sign?


A day in your life?

At the moment I’m trying to manage life with 3 kids as we welcome our third baby. So If the older ones are not at school or in daycare it is just the beautiful craziness of family life...

And if they are at school... I'm just with my baby so it’s much quieter ☺️

The reason you started photography?

When I gave birth to my second baby I knew I needed to make changes in my life... So I went back to my first passion which was photography, combine with motherhood, it's the best combo!

Words to live by?

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love”
Bob Marley ☺️

The most unexpected challenge involved in photography?

Not hearing anything from your clients once you’ve sent them the pictures 😬

And what about the most rewarding part?

Receiving the nicest message from your clients ✨ . Knowing they love their pictures is priceless!

What were you doing before you started photography?

I was working in hospitality back in France (like most of my family !) 

Advice for someone wanting to start photography?

Feel confident about exploring your own vision 👌🏻

Final words…

I truly see beauty in every mother that I meet .. that vulnerable look mixed with the strong power of motherhood!